Running Towards “It”

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That “anything” can include behaviors that are objectively healthy or contribute to your well-being (many of the exercises and interventions named in this very book apply), but can simultaneously mask your soul’s true calling. I see this all the time, especially with women, myself included. We feel unfulfilled in one …

How I Found My Flow

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I absolutely love to sing. Like, I totally bliss out on it. I hadn’t picked up the guitar in months when a friend texted about putting me on the bill for an open mic night he was hosting. He had asked me several times before, and each time I had …

Finding Flow is Like Finding God

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Finding flow is like finding God, because it’s a state of pure presence and bliss, where you feel truly alive in the moment. Flow, also called “the zone,” is the that intersection between the level of skill you bring to a task and the challenge it offers. It’s a mental …

Speaking on Mindfulness for Koi-Fly

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Check out this blog post I wrote for Koi-Fly Productions. Mindfulness is like gaming; it requires dedicated hours of practice to reach new levels of achievement. And once you taste the sweetness of the prize, you keep coming back for more. Think of it as a craft of the mind versus …

Time-Out at Tierney

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I had a bunch of you notice there was no flyer for a September meet up, and I was overjoyed that you’re all beginning to crave that hour for mindfulness, focus, real-talk, learning and sharing.  There will be another one soon! Meantime, I’m allowing space for monthly meet ups to …

Attunement + Courage + Acceptance = Flow

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You want the formula for a flourishing life? There it is.  Much easier written and said than done, but there it is.  It warrants some explanation, and of course, a bit of convincing, because when in life is anything ever as simple as a formula, an equation, or a black-and-white …

The word “sincere” is one of my buzz words lately.

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The word “sincere” is one of my buzz words lately, put on my radar when I was joined by Syreeta “Sincerely Syreeta” Martin on my most recent Mindfulness Meet Up. It got me thinking a lot about what it means to be “sincere.” I asked her why she chose this …

Check out the recap of our last Mindfulness Meetup! {Relax With Pax: August Mindfulness Meetup Featuring Special Guest Syreeta Martin}

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Syreeta “Sincerely Syreeta” Martin graduated from Temple University in 2012 with a B.A. in journalism and founded, a blog that seeks to inspire, empower and motivate others on their personal life journey. Thanks to her compelling life story and innovative branding approach, the mother of two started her business, …

It’s Happy Hour (for my skin)

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The beautiful folks at the Body Shop just sent me some luxe samples of their new limited edish Virgin Mohito body care collection and Vitamin C skin care. These are fan faves, and as I am a huge Body Shop fan, I had to have em. They arrived in an …