How to Be Mindful, Part 2

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Mindfulness made its way into various cultures during the ancient times and has only been accepted by western psychology with more clinical practitioners recognizing the importance it plays for psychological health. I became familiar with the practice of mindfulness at a very early age as my parents are both life-long …

How to Be Mindful, Part 1

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Mindfulness is a deeply beneficial practice; the result of working it into day-to-day life has been clinically proven to improve a vast range of clinical disorders — including chronic pain, anxiety, and even depression. It’s a practice that can help you in both the professional and personal realms by improving …

3 Ways Mindfulness Changes Lives

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Whenever I mention the art of mindfulness, or the idea of someone incorporating it into their daily life, I am immediately faced with one singular (and often times polarizing) question: What does it do for you? Truth is, a lot (like, a lot – a lot) but I don’t always …

How To: Self-Celebrate

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Have you ever felt the truth in the saying “when it rains it pours?” Of course you have, you’re alive. It can sometimes when one thing isn’t right, nothing is. It’s this mentality and thought process than spirals us from discomfort to total chaos. Often times that leads us to …

One Thing Every Successful Person Does

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If you’re anything like me, you’re slightly obsessed with those incredibly successful people that illuminate popular headlines. They’re infamous for having broken the code. Somehow they manage to run their businesses, balance a personal life, exhibit seemingly healthy behavior, and still have time to read their favorite books. (Huh?! How?!) …

Time-Out at Tierney

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I had a bunch of you notice there was no flyer for a September meet up, and I was overjoyed that you’re all beginning to crave that hour for mindfulness, focus, real-talk, learning and sharing.  There will be another one soon! Meantime, I’m allowing space for monthly meet ups to …

Attunement + Courage + Acceptance = Flow

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You want the formula for a flourishing life? There it is.  Much easier written and said than done, but there it is.  It warrants some explanation, and of course, a bit of convincing, because when in life is anything ever as simple as a formula, an equation, or a black-and-white …